
Saturday, November 29, 2003

Chen and I could not sleep all night, and Daniel was pulling an all-nighter writing an essay, so none of us slept at all and just went to get breakfast (and coffee, essential coffee) at 7am in the morning. Definitely the earliest I've been up for ages. Yet, somehow, by forces of determination, I managed to stay awake in both math and cs class.

In the afternoon, Daniel's dad came to pick us up to go to their house in SD. Chen decided to stay and "do homework", so only I went. We had to make up an excuse for Chen not going....we said that she was invited to Lynn's house for Thanksgiving earlier...but Dan's parents still seemed suspicious. They kept saying things like: "Oh, Chen must be eating turkey too, huh?" Me: "Wha...???? Oh, yeah, at Lynn's house"....when I knew she was just going to remain the dorms the whole time.

On my way there, the traffic was really bad, so I got car-sick...which was pretty embarassing, and Dan's dad seemed noticably annoyed when we stopped to get plastic bags (so I wouldn't puke all over their car) -___- So...that sucked. We stopped 2/3 of the way there to eat dinner at a Chinese restaurant, where Dan's dad decided to divulge "embarassing" (not really) stories about him.

Met his family....which is really cool. His mom is really nice, his dad is joking all the time, and his brother (eecs major at Berkeley) seems really knowledgable. I saw this nice family atmosphere that I don't really experience with my parents.

Went to see Matrix Revolutions in the afternoon with Dan and his brother (who had already seen it twice before). Perhaps due to low expectations, I thought it was really cool. The story was wrapped up really nicely ("in a neat little package")...although a few things were left unexplained. At night, after Thanksgiving dinner (they had a really cool idea to wrap pieces of turkey in burrito wrap and eat it like Peking Duck), I saw Matrix Reloaded again on DVD, and I can't remember why I didn't like it the first time. Maybe it was because the whole thing seemed more coherent and sensical (:P), but that movie rocks, dammit.

Around 1am, I went with Dan and two of his friends to some Tapioca place, which turned out to be closed. I pretty much didn't talk at all, because his friends were so so popular-looking. When I told him about it later (when he asked why it was quiet), he was like..."o...k...." Because other people don't seem to understand our conception of the SAs vs. the SuAs.

After coming back, we saw the extras for the Matrix Reloaded DVD. It looked like it took a lot of effort to make, but it took 100 times more effort than I previously imagined. I mean, they even built a 2-mile highway just for the chase sequence.

Came back in the morning after going to Costco. I bought ~$20 of stuff at Costco, but Dan's mom didn't let me pay her back...so I feel really bad about buying that stuff -___- We arrived back in the dorms to discover Chen sleeping. According to her, she woke at what she thought was 6am on the previous day....only to discover later (through chatting on AIM) that it was actually 6pm! So she slept from 1am to 6pm and ended up wasting the whole day instead of "doing homework" (though we expected this). >___< Good job.

Monday, November 24, 2003

On Friday, went out to Westwood for Victoria's b-day along with Cynthia and her "friend" James. Carlus also very very randomly decided to come along...which was a good thing b/c he's quite good at generating conversation. We ate at California Pizza Kitchen (very expensive, so we got very few things -__-;;), then bought boba at some cafe, then watched Gothika (better than I thought it was going to be. The key is to not think about the plot too much...b/c it must be full of holes. I don't really know, of course, b/c I made an effort to stay away from thinking during the movie...). Finally, we stopped at In&Out before heading back (in extreme coldness >_<), where it took me forever to get the combination-lock bathroom door open and Carlus divulged to me that there are "secret" items at In&Out that are not displayed on their menu (you have to ask for them by name). Carlus also told me that it was "weird" that I was with Daniel b/c we seem like we're from "different groups"....which scared and confused me considerably at the same time. Does he mean I am total fob while he is not...or....what....? Hmm.

On Saturday (or technically Sunday), we had 2 planned 1-hour blackouts after 12am, which led Chen to do homework in the dark with a flashlight for 2 hours -___-;; And I didn't feel like turning off my computer, so it's kind of messed up now from being turned off abruptly twice in a day (once for each power outage).

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Damn it! Stupid math test! There were only 6 questions and 3 were multiple choice, each worth 15 points. I just found out I made a teeny mistake in one of the multiple choice questions, but that means 15pts off b/c of no partial credit! Ack! One-point-five grades lower because of one stupid mulitple choice question! Ack! Urg~! >_____________________<

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Ug, missed math discussion b/c of oversleeping even though I really needed to go since the midterm is tomorrow. >_<;;

And I feel so bad for Daniel. He only had time to do either math hw or cs proj, not both, and he decided on math, but he didn't get to turn it in b/c he overslept! He was originally gonna pull and all-nighter, but fell asleep at 8am and didn't wake up till 1pm (he had to turn it in before 11am) >__<;;

And I think I'll be getting rid of the comments thingy now, as promised earlier.

Monday, November 17, 2003

Yes yes yes! After 3 freaking days of working on CS project, it is finally done! There are still some small bugs with it in some instances, but it works for the most part. Chen tried to convince me that this time the program can actually be used outside of class, but...um... -__-;;

Since it does sort of work, I think I will put it up here. Download the zip file here, extract contents into the same folder, run reformat.exe, type in a number larger than 5 (I recommend 30 and above), and look at data.txt and results.txt. Yep, the program reformats the text in data.txt into neat paragraphs! How "useful"! -__-;; The program looks soooo unimpressive, but it's the annoying little rules that took me forever to get right. I randomly put a FFX-2 walkthrough into data.txt, but almost anything can be put in there (no weird symbols or single lines longer than 200 though...or else program will crash) and reformat.exe will change it to "neat paragraphs" and output it to results.txt. I know it looks weird, but this is what it's supposed to look like according to the prof's random rules. If future me or anyone else is bored enough to look at the (very disorganized and weird) source code, it is here.

And I randomly checked up Final Fantasy X-2 on ebay today, since Chen claimed that the demo looked really cool. One person had a whole bunch of listings for FFX-2 that all ended around the same time, so I ended up bidding on some of them. In the end, I won a copy for $27+$5 ship, which isn't too bad compared to the $50 retail price...but it's definitely the most I've ever shelled out for a game :P And it's also the first time I got a game before it got to be 1+ years old -__-;; I hope it comes though...can never really trust eBay sellers...(those *other* eBay sellers ~_^)...

Monday, November 10, 2003

Kim, if you're reading this, thanks for the lunch...and sorry for not getting you a card!

Went to Kim's birthday lunch today...which constituted the first time in months I stepped foot outside the campus. We didn't get up until Kim's cousin came to pick us up at 11:30. Also it sucked b/c we weren't able to get a card b/c the Hilltop store was closed. -___- And the cousin of course now thinks we are ultra-nerds (not saying it's untrue) because she asked if I was doing homework till 5am and I said "yes". It's technically true, but I also woke up at 1pm the previous day and wasted most of the day doing god-knows-what. Oh, right, downloading Naruto manga for Chen -___-;;; The lunch was at this super-posh-looking shopping center place where all the stores seemed uber-expensive and the 2-story restaurant had an elevator. Lunch was good (tho I overate...again!) and it was nice to have a semi-SuA-reunion, but I felt a little out of place amongst all her relatives. And we played Mafia...yet again! I can't seem to escape that game anywhere I go -__-;; There was also some randomness involving beatboxing and musical chairs, which was...uh...interesting^_^ We fell asleep immediately after getting back and the rest of the day was spent doing hw (and, of course, wasting time in between).

I thought I had a math midterm Wed and had planned my entire schedule around it....and just when I was panicking a/b not having enough time....I realized that the midterm is next Wed. Once again I am thwarted by my own stupidity. But yay-ness for not having midterms this week ^____^

Oh, and today is 1-month "anniversary" :P Nothing special was done, of course, but at least it was acknowledged ^^;;

Monday, November 03, 2003

Hmm...was bored and decided to add a little comment thingy.
Of course it will only prove to be a big embarassment, since no one except me looks at this anyway :P
(esp. since I haven't told anyone a/b this blog....)
Oh well, I guess there will be no actual embarassment b/c there's no one to see the "0" next to "Comments". Ha!
(Anyway, this will most definitely go away in 2 days max, since I can't actually think of a use for it...it's just there to make this blog seem cooler :P)

Also added some links to blogs I read.
(Please tell me if you don't want me to link to you, but I swear no one actually looks at this!)

Oh yeah, done with CS project 4!
450 lines of code even tho it took 3x less time than the last one.

Ug, I ate 4 pieces of Godiva chocolates in a row, at 100+ calories/10g fat each.
Must...play...ddr....to burn it off. But I feel so sick now (from chocolate, not cold) -___-;;

And there's so much hw now it sucks. There's never any time to go anywhere.
But when we're finally done w/classes, I'll be going back to NorCal where there's nothing to do >.<;;

And geez, it's freezing.

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