Sunday, April 25, 2004
OMG I saw Matt Groening today! We were at this book festival thing they're having on campus (there were all these authors doing book signings, but he wasn't one of them), and this guy introduced himself as Matt Groening to one of the authors doing the signings. We were too embarassed to talk to him, especially since we couldn't be sure we heard correctly. After a fruitless search through Simpsons books to find a drawing or photo of Matt Groening, Dan asked a girl who was working at the booth, and she confirmed that it was indeed him. We were going to pick out a book for him to sign, but he waddled away from the booth and we lost track of him due to his normal-ness. He was this fat guy in a plaid shirt with whiteish hair and a white beard...which described a lot of the passer-bys at the festival. Dan complained about missing the opportunity to get his autograph for the next few hours, but it was pretty cool to know we were standing within a few feet of a real celebrity. Coolness~